World Health Medical
Abdominoplasty (Tummy Tuck)

Abdominoplasty (Tummy Tuck)

Abdominoplasty, also called abdominal lipectomy or abdominal surgery, is a surgery that involves the removal of excess fat and skin. In addition, in most cases, the repair of weakened or separated muscles is required, creating a smoother and firmer abdomen. Many of us strive for a flat, well-toned abdomen through exercise and weight control. Sometimes with these methods we do not achieve our objectives. Even people with a normal, well-proportioned body weight can develop a sagging and flabby abdomen.

Among the most common causes of this are:

  • Pregnancies
  • The aging
  • Significant fluctuations in weight
  • The Heritage
  • Previous Surgeries
  • Indications and types of abdominoplasty

It is indicated when there is an excess of skin and fat at the abdominal level. There are several techniques depending on what the main problem is:

The minilipectomy allows the lower abdomen to be stretched above all and to correct the separation of the rectus abdominis muscles. It is very common after pregnancy. If there is a previous cesarean scar, it can be corrected and stretched taking advantage of the fact that the patient already had a scar. It is sometimes accompanied by liposuction of the upper abdomen and flanks.

The lipectomy with transposition of the umbilicus in thin people. Very common after pregnancies with great abdominal dilation and after great weight loss. In this case, the skin is stretched, the dehiscence or separation of the anterior rectus muscles is corrected, and the navel is transposed.

The Saldaña technique: This technique is indicated in people who have an abdominal skirt but also have excess fat and it allows us to combine liposuction of the entire abdomen with skin tightening. With the Saldaña technique we achieve really surprising results with very high levels of safety in this type of surgical combination that was not previously performed for fear of serious complications in wound closure.


It is not indicated if you have an obesity problem, if the excess volume is as a result of an increase in abdominal fat or if your main problem is abdominal muscle distention. On occasions, despite not having a dehiscence of the anterior rectus muscles of the abdomen and being with a normal weight, we have an excess of abdomen not related to internal fat but to distension of the abdominal muscles (almost always after pregnancies without subsequent strengthening of the abdomen). musculature). This last condition is not surgical and can benefit from a type of gymnastics called hypopressive.



What we cannot expect from a tummy tuck:

A tummy tuck is not a substitute for weight loss and does not allow you to have a muscular abdomen. Although the results of a tummy tuck are technically permanent, significant weight fluctuations can greatly reduce a positive result.

For this reason, I would recommend postponing a tummy tuck if you plan to lose substantial weight or if you are a woman considering pregnancy in the near future. A tummy tuck also fails to correct stretch marks, although some can be removed if they are located in the areas of skin that will be removed.

Is it the most suitable treatment for me?

Abdominoplasty is a good option for you if:

  • You are in good physical health and have a stable weight
  • You have realistic expectations
  • You do not smoke

What to expect during your consultation:

They will ask you various questions about your health, your expectations, and your lifestyle.

Be prepared to comment:

  • Why do you want to do the surgery? What are your expectations and what do you hope to obtain?
  • Conditions, Drug allergies.
  • Treatments and medications.
  • If you drink alcohol or drugs regularly.
  • Previous Surgeries.
  • Previous Preparation for surgery.
  • Before surgery, we will ask you for a laboratory analysis, an ECG and a chest X-ray.
  • If you smoke, it is important to stop smoking at least 20 days before.
  • Avoid taking aspirin or derivatives 20 days before surgery.
  • The Plastic Surgeon will explain in detail the risks associated with the surgical intervention.

We will give you a written consent explaining the potential risks or complications. It is important that you read and fully understand this brochure.


You will leave the operating room with a bandage and 2 tubes so that the blood does not accumulate.

You will get out of bed before 12 o’clock.

The next day we will give you the first cure. Hospital discharge is usually within 1 day.

After the Surgery you must wear a compression girdle for a minimum of one month

On the day of discharge you will receive specific instructions on how to care for the wounds and what you can do.

The stitches are removed between 7 and 10 days.

During the first 8-10 days you will take medications that we will recommend.

Much of the success of any surgery depends on postoperative care. The follow-up of the medical instructions is vital to achieve the results that the doctor and the patient have raised.

Remember that the recovery time varies depending on your own physical condition. Patients usually need 1 to 3 weeks before returning to normal activities.

You should get up and walk as soon as possible, in order to prevent the formation of venous thrombi in the legs. This exercise should be done slowly.

The dressing or bra that has been placed after surgery should be worn continuously for 1 week.

Drains, if any, are removed in 2-4 days. There are patients who do not want to go to discharge with the drains in place and in these cases they will require more days of hospitalization until they can be removed.

The sutures are removed after 7-12 days.

The feeling of tightness and swelling will gradually decrease during the postoperative period.

You will receive antibiotic medication in order to prevent the development of any infection, as well as analgesic medication to control postoperative discomfort.


After the surgery and when the doctor discharges you, you should go home and have a person to take care of you during the first days of convalescence.

You should not ingest Aspirin, acetylsalicylic acid, or any medication that contains this compound, due to its anticoagulant effect.

It is advisable to limit any type of activity for up to two weeks after the intervention.

The patient should completely refrain from lifting heavy objects, children, or pets.

It is preferable not to wet the treated area until the doctor recommends it.

You should not sleep in a prone (face down) position for the first four weeks after surgery or for as long as your doctor tells you.

Do not sunbathe in direct sunlight for the first two months after surgery.

At the end of two weeks, the surgeon can authorize you to return to your normal activity.

During the three months following the operation, the patient must limit his sports activities.

The patient must rigorously attend the follow-up appointments that the doctor schedules for the follow-up of his surgery.

Belly button and abdomen scars improve significantly over time.

The full result can be seen after one year

Your surgeon will recommend the use of a girdle for 1 month, 24 hours, and then another month only at night.

Abdominoplasty (Tummy Tuck)
Customer Testimonials
Richard Moore
Richard Moore
I visited Istanbul 2 weeks ago for my hair transplant from USA.
Thomas Crooke
Thomas Crooke
High level of sterilizaton, smooth process and great results.
Charles Lillard
Charles Lillard
Last weekend I visited Istanbul from London to have a hair transplant.
Mohammad Hannah
Mohammad Hannah
I want to start with saying : WH Medical is 5 stars plus, the staff were very considerate helpful and professional.
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